Artely, founded in 2017, is Sweden’s first art gallery online. Artely quickly established itself as one of the most interesting and innovative contemporary galleries. Today, Artely plays a central role in shaping and developing the future art scene and is an important voice in the contemporary art world.

Artely is known for engaging the audience in new ways and challenging traditional perceptions of how art should be displayed and experienced. By integrating modern art technology, Artely creates new opportunities for artists to express themselves and for the audience to interact with the art. The gallery serves as a catalyst for artistic innovation and a hub for cultural exchange, making it a leading player in digital and contemporary art.

Follow Artely on Instagram: @artely.art
Follow Artely on Facebook: facebook.com/artely.se
Follow Artely on TikTok: @artely.art
Follow Artely on YouTube: @artelyart
Follow Artely on Vimeo: vimeo.com/artely

Artely in press/media

Bitcoin.se: “Så tar sig konstgalleriet Artely an Web3
Breakit: “Blockchain-kartläggning: 19 svenska bolag som bygger Web3
DN / Kultur: “Efter rekordåret – har konsten en plats på NFT-marknaden?
Barnebys: “Artely lanserar Sveriges första plattform för NFT-konst
Kryptovalutaguiden: “Artely Lanserar Svensk NFT Plattform För Konstnärer
Barnebys: “Intervju med Artelys grundare – om att uppleva konst online
Expressen: “Nya trenden – här köper du konsten på nätet
Barnebys: “Artely.se möter konstköparnas förändrade köpbeteenden
Ehandel.se: “Artely gick från noll till miljonen på tio månader
Ehandel.se: “Säljer tavlor för 40 000 kronor – vill göra om en hel bransch
Residence magazine: “Artely ska göra det lättare att hitta unika konstverk
Tidningen Konstnären / KRO: “Det digitala galleriet
Dagensanalys.se: “Så använde Artely eye tracking för att optimera sin sajt


Aleksandra Antonov
Contact: aleksandra.antonov@artely.art
Follow on Instagram: @artely.aleksandra

Alexander Antonov
Contact: alexander.antonov@artely.art
Follow on Instagram: @artely.alexander


08 – 409 09 810

Skeppargatan 71
115 30, Stockholm

Artely AB, Sweden
Org: 559069-8204